
Customer reviews from the App Stores

This is all the reviews (even the bad ones). Updated on 29 dec 2013.

 Australia store

★★★★★ A must buy App - James. Bond - Version 1.5.2 - Mar 24, 2013
Even better with the new update, if you don't buy this App your crazy :-))). What every company like Tom Tom or Navigon will not allow you to do this makes possible. store large poi collections on your iOS device and open them directly into your navigation software, absolutely fantastic solution , thanks David for you hard work

 Canada store

★★★★★ Very cool and well thought off!!! - iAlbatross - Version 1.4.8 - May 26, 2012 App is well designed. I've tried a few apps in this space and this one instantly took the top spot. Search looks at all your POI files, very convenient! For Garmin POI users, this app even supports Garmin's GPX extensions and does active links for phones and addresses, a big benefit for convenience in calling your POIs. Good stuff!

★★★★★ Great APP Even Better Customer Service - D@nog - Version 1.4.6 - Feb 25, 2012
Bought this APP thinking we could transfer our very large POI file (for TomTom) but had some problems... could only display the first 600 locations. Sent an email to the developers who responded right away with some suggestions. After going back and forth a few times they came up with a solution that works flawlessly. I can now search and view all 8355 POIs! Nice job guys!

 Croatia store

★★★★★ Jednostavno praćenje vlastitih POI lista - msantic - Version 1.4.10 - Oct 5, 2012
Odlična aplikacija za praćenje vlastitih POI lista koje je najlakše kreirati pomoću Google Earth PC aplikacije. Obratio sam se autoru aplikacije putem e-maila za ispravku manjeg bug-a i dobio sam odgovor isti dan te je u idućoj verziji bug ispravljen. Odlična tehnička podrška.
Machine Translation:Excellent application for tracking your own POI list that is most easily created using Google Earth PC application. I spoke to the author applications via e-mail to correct minor bug and I got a response the same day, and the next version of the bug corrected. Excellent technical support.

 Deutschland store

★★★★ Nice App, but only as good (or poor) as Apple’s maps - dbke - Version 1.5.8 - Dec 28, 2013
Seems to be the best app on the market to manage POIs. However, the app uses Apple’s standard map: Since Apple’s new maps are for many parts of the world (Asia, China) only a very bad joke in comparison to the maps provided by competitors (Google, Baidu etc.), it would be nice if one could select the map provider.

★★★★★ Great Tool to use own POIs with Navigation Software - Femtiolapp - Version 1.5.3 - Aug 11, 2013
I bought this app to be able to use my own POI collections and some of the many downloadable ones with my Navigon App. That works as wished. Nevertheless, it would be even better if it woulkd enable to sort the POIs by distance to the actual location.

★★★★★ Excellent App - Herbertd52 - Version 1.4.6 - Apr 2, 2012
Great idea to show self collected POIs with own text in discription. Text can include HTML tags. Support is fast and competent.

Fehlkauf - Rafael_Bremen - Version 1.4.6 - Mar 17, 2012
als Verwaltung von POI's ist die App einwandfrei, aber die App findet Adressen nicht, man muss die Stecknadeln manuell setzen.
Machine Translation:as the management of POI's, the app is fine, but the app will not address, you must set the pins manually.
FKDev answer: It is true that the cloudmade powered search is not very good to find addresses, but you can use google maps to find addresses and then import the found POI. See the video section.

★★★★ Super - Selles - Version 1.4.6 - Feb 3, 2012
Das einzige, das dieser App fehlt, ist ein Offline Modus, damit man auch im Ausland ohne Kosten das Kartenmaterial zur Verfügung hätte. OSM wäre meine erste Wahl dafür. Die App kommt auch mit Sehr,sehr vielen POIs zurecht, ich habe keine Bilder, sondern nur Text. Alle POIs im KML-Format in verschiedenen Kategorien mit iTunes geladen, es war kein Problem.
Machine Translation:The only thing missing this app is an offline mode so you abroad without costs, the maps at my disposal. OSM would be my first choice for that. The app also comes with very, very rightly many points of interest, I have no pictures, only text. All POIs in KML format into different categories loaded with iTunes, it was not a problem.

★★★★ Gefällt mir gut (I love) - Floqq - Version 1.4.3 - 09.12.2011
Nur eine (einfache und schnelle) Möglichkeit den aktuellen Standort als POI hinzuzufügen fehlt mir leider.
Machine Translation:Unfortunately, I lack only one (quick and easy) way to add your current location as a POI.

★★★★★ Sehr praktische App und toller Support (Very handy app and great support) - r.friaul - Version 1.4.0 - 27.06.2011
Die App hält was sie verspricht. Nach meiner Meinung derzeit der einzige vernünftige Weg auch größere POI-Listen in verschiedenen Formaten auf das iphone zu bringen und dort zu nutzen. Ich habe mir die App gekauft, um das frei verfügbare Verzeichnis von über 10.000 Berghütten von www.tourenwelt.info auf dem iphone nutzen zu können. Funktioniert zwar beim Import und der großen Übersicht etwas langsam aber ansonsten wunderbar! Rückfragen an den Entwickler wurden sofort und umfangreich beantwortet. Auch dafür Lob!!!
Machine Translation:The app holds promise. In my opinion, currently the only sensible way larger POI lists in different formats to bring and take advantage of the iphone. I have bought me the app to use the freely available directory of over 10,000 huts of www.tourenwelt.info on the iphone. Works while in the import and the large overview somewhat slowly but otherwise beautifully! Questions to the developers were answered immediately and extensively. Also praise!

★★★★★ POI Viewer 1.3.0 - Frank25436 - Version 1.3.0 - 14.01.2011
Also ich bin mit der App. nach ersten Versuchen sehr zufrieden. Mit dieser App. ist es möglich, selbst angelegte POI Daten (z.B. als csv.Datei) aus einer Cloud (z.B. Dropbox) hochzuladen und darzustellen. Selbst große Mengen an POI's sind offensichtlich kein Problem. Für meine Bedürfnisse ein Volltreffer. Dankeschön
Machine Translation:So I am using the app. very satisfied after first attempts. With this app. is it possible data (e.g. as a csv.), itself based POI(File) from a cloud (e.g. dropbox) to upload and present. Even large amounts of POI's are obviously not a problem. For my needs a direct hit. Thank you

Komisches Tool (Funny tool) - akeck - Version 1.3.0 - 06.01.2011
Ich habe mir das Tool geladen in der Hoffnung, dass man damit tatsächlich sowas wie eine Reiseplanung machen könnte. Aber leider reicht mein Intellekt nicht, irgendetwas sinnvolles mit dem App zu machen. Upload von POIs habe ich nicht hinbekommen, eigene erstellen dann gar nicht erst probiert. Ich werde das Ding ins Archiv schieben. Vielleicht kommt ja mal ein Update, dass es nutzbar macht oder wenigsten eine vernünftige Bedienungsanleitung beinhaltet.
Machine Translation:I have asked me in the hopes that you actually could make something like a travel planning tool. But unfortunately, my intellect not enough to do anything meaningful with the app. Upload of POIs I didn't get out, your own create then would not be tried. I'll push that thing in the archive. Perhaps an update comes indeed times, that it makes can be used or least includes a reasonable user manual.

★★★★ Good App - for navigation and travel - mikel60 - Version 1.2.0 - 09.07.2010
I searched long time for an app, where you can save structured your different POI's. But this tool does even more: vou can show all your Pins at once in Maps- and you can share them. You store your pins under one foldername. This is exactbwhat I was looking for a long time. One nice add, for further development: give the app a "i am here" button too. Great job , i would like to pay for the next versions!!!

 Espana store

★★★★ Bien - Cacharrete - Version 1.4.14 - Feb 6, 2013
No esta mal aunque es muy lenta con varios miles de poi. Cargas los poi que quieras y luego puedes acceder a ellos y pedir qu te lleve con el tomtom o Apple maps. Por cierto, los poi se pueden añadir, hasta por correo electrónico.
Machine Translation:Not bad but is very slow with several thousand poi. Loads the poi you want and then you can access them and ask what you take with maps tomtom or Apple. Incidentally, poi can be added to by email.

★★★★★ Muy buena gestion de Pois - Legasa - Version 1.4.13 - Nov 20, 2012
Importa los pois por correo o mediante itunes. Se puede poner símbolo a cada grupo de pois. Permite seleccionar uno y que el tomtom lo use como destino. Debería de gestionar de esta forma los pois algún navegador famoso.
Machine Translation:Imports POIs by mail or itunes. You can put each symbol group pois. Lets you select one and use it as the tomtom destination. Should thus manage pois a famous browser.

★★★★ Wonderful travel companion. - Ángel Alvarez - Version 1.3.0 - 08-Feb-2011
As a collector of POI's this app is excellent to have them pinned on a map. You can load all main POI formats or download new POI's from the Internet. Great to have a bird's eye view of your favourite locations. A great help on your trips. PS: would like the app to display different icons for different pois or more than one collection at a time.

 Finland store

★★★★★ POIt talteen ja menox - iPhone us€r - Version 1.5.3 - Jun 4, 2013
Loistava api POI paikkojen tallennukseen/varmennukseen ja jakamiseen eri laitteille. Api tukee myös POIn avaamisen suoraan navigointisoftaan (ainakin TomTom ja Navigon)! Pitkään etsin apia, johon voisi helposti tuoda olemassa olevat POIt ja tarvittaessa tehdä niitä lisää sekä tärkeimpänä saada POI avattua suoraan softasta navigaattori -apille. Etsintä on päättynyt :)

Machine Translation:Great api POI locations to store / backup and sharing different devices. APP also supports POI account directly navigointisoftaan (at least for the TomTom and Navigon)! I'm looking for a long time in Apia, which could easily import existing POIs and, if necessary, make more of them and, most importantly to get the POI opened directly in GPS navigator. The search is over :)

 France store

★★★★★ Super géniale - Frédomaster - Version 1.5.6 - Oct 31, 2013
Application super et sav vraiment rapide et à la hauteur si vous avez des questions! Je la conseil....
Super application and support is really fast and competent if you have questions!

★★★★★ Merci - Ornithologie - Version 1.5.3 - Jun 10, 2013
Logiciel simple de mise en oeuvre, correspond à mes besoins. J'ai contacté le développeur pour des renseignements. Réponse dans la journée et problème résolu. Je viens de m'apercevoir qu'en choisissant un POI dans cette application automatiquement l'itinéraire est proposé sur Navigon si vous l'avez sur votre Iphone. C'est l'application qui me convient parfaitement. Merci
Simple software, meets my needs. I contacted the developer for more information. Response in the day and problem solved. I just realized that choosing a POI in this application automatically route is proposed on Navigon if you have it on your Iphone. This is the application that suits me perfectly. thank you

★★★★★ Excellent - Jeancan - Version 1.5.3 - May 22, 2013
Je cherchais depuis longtemps comment sauver et visualiser mes coins de camping car excellent
I have been looking for a long time for how to save and view my camping car places. Great.

Test - Michel le forestier - Version 1.4.14 - Jan 14, 2013
Qu'on m'explique comment saisir ma position..!
Someone explains how to enter my position !
FKDev answer: Tap on the standard user position beacon, a form appear, tap the 'import' button in the form!

★★★★★ A l'écoute - Droopy59 - Version 1.4.14 - Dec 13, 2012
Il faut le signaler, le développeur est à l'écoute des utilisateurs. On peut discuter avec lui, lui proposer des améliorations, et les mise à jour font que ce logiciel devient de plus en plus performants. Et ceci est d'autant méritoire que ce logiciel est assez ciblé, mais les améliorations font qu'il devient de plus en plus accessible et j'espère utile à de plus en plus d'utilisateurs.
It should be reported that the developer is listening to users. You can argue with him, suggest improvements, and the updates make this software increasingly powerful. And this is especially commendable that this software is quite focused, but the improvements are making it more accessible and hopefully useful to more users.

★★★★ Conforme à la description - Gilles 92n - Version 1.4.8 - Jul 10, 2012
Magique ! L'application fait très bien et très facilement ce qu'elle décrit (testé avec les POI de GPS Passion). Seule limitation : nécessite une connexion internet pour disposer des fonds de carte. Pour les randonneurs, la possibilté de mémoriser un fond de carte en cache (type Open source, du genre 1/200000ème) serait un plus.
Magic! The application is very good and perform easily what it describes (tested with POI GPS Passion). The only limitation requires an internet connection to have the base maps. For hikers, the possibility to store a base map cache (Open source, 1/200000ème the type genus) is a plus.

★★★★★ Le logiciel que je cherchais depuis un bout de temps ;-) (The software I was looking for since one end of the time;-)) - fburnt - Version 1.4.1 - 19 août 2011
J'utilisais jusqu'à présent un atlas papier sur lequel je collais des gommettes de couleurs différentes pour différencier mes POI. Or depuis que j'ai l'Ipad, je n'avais jamais réussi à importer plus de 100 POI sur Google Maps. Avec cette application, non seulement j'ai la totalité de mes POI (+ de 2400) et je peux même les modifier. Enfin, quel bonheur de pouvoir visualiser les endroits via StreetView. Pour être parfait, il ne reste plus qu'à intégrer l'état du trafic routier ;-) Edit : les images présentées ne mettent pas en valeur la qualité de ce produit.
Machine Translation:I used to date a paper atlas that I collais gommettes of different colors to differentiate my POI. But since I have the Ipad, I had never managed to import more than 100 POI on Google Maps. With this application, not only I have all my POI (+ 2400) and I can even change. Finally, what happiness to visualize the locations via StreetView. To be parfait, remains qu'à integrate;-) road traffic report Edit: the presented images do not value the quality of this product.

★★★★★ Génial pour afficher plusieurs couches de pts d'intérêt (Great to see several layers of pts of interest) - setago - Version 1.4.1 - 11 août 2011
Très bonne application. Fonctionne parfaitement. Elle permet de charger plusieurs fichiers de POI et de sélectionner rapidement ceux qui sont affichés
Machine Translation:Very good application. Works perfectly. It allows to load several files of POI and quickly select those that are displayed

★★★★★ Ajout de POI (Adding POI) - papi314 - Version 1.2.0 - 12 août 2010
Permet sans difficulté d'intégrer des fichiers de POI (pour mon cas il y avait 1600 points ...) via Itunes ou des téléchargements directs. Très simple et efficace.
Machine Translation:Allows to easily integrate POI files (for my case there were 1600 points...) via Itunes or direct download. Very simple and effective.

 Italia store

★★★ Ottimo quando…. Killerapplication when….. - pattatrak - Version 1.5.3 - May 21, 2013
Potrebbe essere un ottima applicazione quando: - Darà la possibilità di sovrascrivere POI's già esistenti (per l'aggiornamento) - Prendesse automaticamente dalle icone già importate ed avente lo stesso nome del POI - Aggiungesse la possibilità di raggruppare i POI in cartelle (per i singoli paesi) Allora avrà 5 stelle. It could be a killer application when it: - Allows to overwrite existing POI'S (for actualizing POI listing) - Takes automatically icon with the same name as POI that has been already importet. - Gives the possibility to group POI's in folders (for single countries). Then it will have 5 stars.
FKDev answer: The first request has been done. The second one should work since the beginning. Contact the support.

★★★★★ Pratica, efficace e snella - MarryMac - Version 1.5.0 - Mar 2, 2013
La uso da un pò e mi piace molto. É veloce, posso caricare molti POI contemporaneamente nella mappa e poi navigare con TomTom verso i POI scelti. È molto veloce, segno che è ben scritta. EDIT: ho appena finito di testare la nuova versione. Veramente ottimo lavoro. Rimango stupito dal fatto che questa app crei apparentemente poco interesse. Credo che uno dei motivi sia dato dal fatto che fa molto di più di quello che viene presentato nella descrizione e che tocca agli utenti scoprirlo. Questa app è diventata il mio unico repository di POI, dal quale pescano tutte le altre app. Molto, molto ben fatta (e non conosco assolutamente l'autore)
Machine translation:I use it for a while and I really like it. It's fast, I can load at the same time many POI on the map and then navigate to the TomTom POI selected. It is very fast, a sign that is well-written. EDIT: I just finished testing the new version. Really great job. I am amazed by the fact that this app creates seemingly little interest. I think one of the reasons is the fact that it does a lot more than what is presented in the description and that it is up to users to find out. This app has become my sole repository of the POI, from which all other fishing app. Very, very well done (and absolutely do not know the author)

★★★★★ Ottimo (Excellent) - Gian Carlo - Version 1.4.3 - 6-gen-2012
Ottimo , questa applicazione permette di poter visualizzare i propri POI nella cartografia di Google !
Machine Translation:Excellent, this application allows you to watch your POIs in Google maps!
FKDEV note: nowadays it's Apple Maps.

 Russia store

★★★★ It's alright - Alcogolique - Version 1.5.2 - Apr 2, 2013
Add google maps please.

 New Zealand store

★★★★★ POI handler - Redstorma - Version 1.4.6 - Apr 13, 2012
This app is a must for IPad Tomtom users. You can import your personal POI's (via OV2 file or from your google maps) and using the directions option export the location direct to your iPad Tomtom app.

 Sweden store

★★★★★ Mycket användbar - 7ore - Version 1.5.8 - Dec 4, 2013
Mycket användbar. Tar många format och responsen på förbättringsförslag är fantastisk. Tre dagar från förslag till uppdatering!. Svårslaget.
Machine Translation:Very useful. Takes many formats and response to suggestions for improvement is amazing. Three days from the draft update!. Tough to beat.

★★★★★ Super app - Bobil333 - Version 1.4.5 - 25-Jan-2012
This is the best poi app so far //Bosse. Sweden.

 Switzerland store

Poor map and confusing user interface - zonk257 - Version 1.4.14 - Jan 6, 2013
Was looking for a POI manager but don't like this app due very poor map (compared to alternatives based on openStreetMap) and the confusing user interface. Would not buy this app again. :-(

 United Kingdom store

★★★★ POI Mapp app - Birvy - Version 1.4.14 - Feb 2, 2013
Really like this app, have been looking for an app to upload my own POI files to from my TomTom (.ov2). Since there are thousands of POI locations contained in my file, I couldn't type them in one by one, but with this you simply upload the .ov2 file into this app via iTunes, and they all show up on the map, with view options for basic map, satellite or both. The POIs will display as per the .bmp image you upload and assign to the POIs exactly like a TomTom. The only negative is I can't search through the POIs on the front map screen, it seems to actually locate the POI, but it flashes up for a 1/10th of a second in the search results, then says "no results found". You can still search for POIs under the "places" tab no problem, and then just click the "show on map" tab. If this can be fixed it would be 5 stars.

★★★★★ At last my poi back - Bunnyman69 - Version 1.4.10 - Oct 7, 2012
Have got over a thousand work places that I visited over the last 9 years. Been saving them since my PDA then my 720 ( which I have been using to create the latest poi files ) I can now use them again on my iPhone 5 and get tomtom to direct me there

★★★★★ Great. Sorry Diskaid - Daniel Vague - Version 1.4.9 - Sep 30, 2012
Ok, I was using Diskaid to import my Work and Favourite POI's into my TomTom app. Then along comes the new IOS 1.6 and Diskaid no longer has access to the TomTom folders for writing files!! Well thanks Apple :-( Anyway, did a little investigation and found this app. It doesn't save anything into the TomTom app, but it does allow you to import .ov2 files (and many other formats I believe) using the file transfer facility in the iTunes APP page for your iPhone. Once imported, the POI's are viewable in the App and there's an option to get directions which opens the TomTom app and starts direction finding as usual. One thing I did notice is that it appears to always give you the fastest route, so if you want Non-Motorway or Twisting roads simply do a route recalculation and tell it what you want within TomTom. Sorted :-)

★★★★★ Poi viewer - pegg1510 - Version 1.4.9 - Sep 23, 2012
A1 best poi app by far and cant wait for offline maps

 United States store

★★★★★ Excellent for real estate use - Anonymous - Version -
Our firm has embraced the tablet revolution and this app allows me to export our data into kmz format and add to our users iPads for client tours. The information screen that mimics the Google Earth pop up is key because I enter data and link to pictures that appear right on screen. The streetview plug-in is also very useful. If I may suggest at least 3 enhancements: 1) Allow for different symbols to be used for the pushpins, 2) Allow for a full screen pop up window without a limited zoom when accessing the point data, streetview, foursquare & picture data, and 3) keep the folder structure of the kmz file in tact. I had a very nice file created with multiple folders for different sites and they all came in together. Other that that keep up the good work and we look forward to any updates you may have planned. Thanks!

★★★★ Finally!! - RTVandMCB - Version 1.2.0 - Jul 27, 2010
I was looking for a way to see in a single map all places that my wife and I visited and also the places that we wanted to go. Now with this app I can do that. So I'd to like to suggest the possibility to change the color of the marker. Thanks.

Bugs, feedbacks



★★★★★ A must buy App
★★★★★ Ottimo (Excellent)
★★★★★ At last my poi back
★★★★ Wonderful travel companion.
★★★★★ Génial pour afficher plusieurs couches de pts d'intérêt (Great to see several layers of POI)
★★★★ Conforme à la description
★★★★★ Muy buena gestion de Pois
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